Well it's been a while. A long while. Life has been busy, blah blah blah. After our first miscarriage, I kind of lost the desire to blog. We decided we were done having kids, so I took my brave husband for that appointment all men fear. The SNIP. The next few days were spent with him alternating bags of frozen peas ... poor thing!
Well, in all that paperwork, they tell you to use a backup method of birth control in the first few months after the procedure. Did we listen?
Noooo. Did we get pregnant again?
You bet. Unfortunately, we lost yet another little one. Thankfully we've not had to suffer that heartache again.
So I've taken the time to throw myself into my work. It's paid off with a much better year business-wise. But reading a friend's blog made me realize it's been a long time since I sat down and put my thoughts into words. So I may be scattered for a while as I get back into the swing of things. Be patient with me.