This morning, my muscles were sore from an especially enthusiastic workout routine yesterday. I decided to bust out my old yoga DVD. I say old because it's a prenatal video, which usually prompts questions from Bean about my chubby tummy. But if you ignore all the sappy references to the "miraculous growing being inside you," it's a fantastic workout.
About halfway through the video, I remembered WHY I haven't done this video in a while. Bean likes to try to join me in doing yoga. Of course she wants to share the mat with me, so I'm bending and twisting at even stranger angles to avoid clocking her in the head. Today, while trying to do floor work, Squish decided she wanted to sit on my lap. It was easy enough to adapt when I was doing leg stretches, etc. But not so easy when I'm trying to do plank and table poses. The final straw was when I was trying to relax in Child's Pose, and she lifted my head up because she thought I was sad. "Mama SMILE!"
I gave up. I guess this is how my children ensure they will have a nice comfy lap to sit in for years to come.