Monday, February 8, 2010

Just One Stomach Flu Away From My Goal Weight....

This past weekend I had some sort of stomach thing going on. Either the flu or food poisoning or something. I had a gig on Saturday, and had to run to the restroom twice in the middle of it to hug the toilet. Luckily it was a very nice couple who didn't make a big deal out of it.

So in between trips, I realized women never really get knocked out of commission. I have a very sympathetic husband, who takes the kids with no complaint if I'm not feeling well. This is not a rant against him. But women, in general, keep working, cleaning, taking care of the kids when they're sick.

Most men I know revert to their childhoods when they're sick. They take off work, refuse showers until their clothes stand alone, and demand comfort foods. One of my best guy friends is the biggest baby I know when he's sick. He lays in bed and moans for days while his wife continues to take care of their five children. BigGuy asks for a special soup I make only when he's sick.

When I told my one girlfriend that I was sick, she reminded me to look at the plus side... I was losing weight.

So as I move back into the land of the eating, I give myself a small pat on the back for being a woman. And for keeping these Saltines down.

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